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Jewelry by leading designers Consciously made

The Aulerth Loop – Wear for 2 weeks and return

Love our designs but only need them for a short time or a special occasion? Rent your favorite pieces for 2 weeks with The Aulerth Loop for a fee. You can enjoy wearing then them for a short-term or choose to buy after experiencing their quality.

Looking for the right jewelry to match with your outfits?

... reach out for a personal recommendation

... or, for a virtual appointment

... or, visit us at Our Stores (Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Gurgaon)

WhatsApp contact: +91 8826199974

Outfit Color Palette To Loop Your Jewelry

Loop by Category





Other Accessories

Loop By Occasion


Daytime Story

Big Night Out

Formal affairs

Just Browsing


Wedding Celebration

What are the ways to experience Aulerth jewelry?

What is the process behind the Loop?

How can you make the most of the Loop?

Client Testimonials


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